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Ruční Kopáče

27. 4. 2013



Electric tools use energy instead of durability. They need recharging when they run out of energy, but they never wear out.

Name Recipe Description
Mining Drill


Refined Iron

Refined Iron

Refined Iron

Electronic Circuit

RE Battery


Refined Iron

Refined Iron

Mining Drill

Electric pickaxe + shovel which is faster than a pickaxe and shovel.
Diamond Drill





Mining Drill




Diamond Drill

Upgraded mining drillwhich is faster and can break obsidian at a faster speed.


Refined Iron

RE Battery

Refined Iron

Electronic Circuit

Refined Iron

Refined Iron

Refined Iron


Chainsaw (Uncharged)

More efficient electric axe with the plus of being an effective MOB stopper. ! since 1.70 the Chainsaw now also works as shears. Just right-click on a sheep. Sames goes with grass or anything else you could shear, with normal shears.... Cheers
Electric Wrench


RE Battery


Electronic Circuit




Electric Wrench

Like a Wrench, right-clicking on a machine with an electric wrench removes it. Protip: Post 1.46v Electric wrenches toggle ability has a 100% chance to remove the machine. Tool is toggled by holding the "M" key and right clicking.
Nano Saber

Glowstone Dust

Glowstone Dust

Carbon Plate

Advanced Alloy

Advanced Alloy

Energy Crystal


Carbon Plate

Nano Saber

Sword that deals 20 damage when charged.
Electric Treetap


RE Battery


Electronic Circuit




Electric Treetap

Treetap which uses EU
Mining Laser


Advanced Alloy


Energy Crystal

Advanced Alloy

Advanced Alloy

Energy Crystal

Advanced Circuit

Advanced Alloy

Mining Laser

Multipurpose laser which instantly breaks blocks.
Electric Hoe

Refined Iron


Refined Iron

Electronic Circuit

RE Battery



Electric Hoe

Hoe which uses EU